Berserk 60 Card Modern (**Pioneer)
Berserk is a long-time love of mine. But on a recent trip to the card shop, I met a true fan who inspired me to finally complete this deck. The deck is a Modern Deck, but with 1 quick switch in the sideboard (Switch those Lightning Greaves for a pair of Captain's Claws) and your deck is now Pioneer Legal! A really fun deck to play with friends when doing Modern or Pioneer.
Deck List
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death x3
Generator Servant x3
Master of Cruelties x4
Wildfire Eternal x2
**Lightning Greaves x2
Break Through the Line x3
Liliana, the Last Hope x4
Fiery Temper x4
Kolaghan's Command x4
Collective Brutality x2
Dreadbore x3
Thoughtseize x4
Blood Crypt x4
Canyon Slough x4
Field of Ruin x3
Foreboding Ruins x4
Mountain x4
Swamp x3
**Damnation x3
Captain's Claws x3
**Gut Shot x4
**Lightning Bolt x2
**Whispersilk Cloak x3
**Cards Not Pioneer Legal